9 foods capable of relieving your stomach pain

7. Ginger

Resultado de imagen de jengibre
Ginger is one of the best remedies for nausea. It is also one of the most effective natural ingredients if we are looking to improve digestive health in general.

However, ginger should be taken in moderation. Do not exceed the limit of 4 grams a day and it is best to take it in powder with a glass of water, or chewing a small piece of fresh ginger.

8. Avocado

Batido de aguacate para perder peso

Avocado is rich in fiber and contains large doses of healthy fat, something that is very important to preserve the proper functioning of our digestive system for several reasons.

And it is thanks to this stimulation that can cause us in the pancreas, gallbladder and liver beta-carotene are added. All of this results in better absorption of vitamin A. This vitamin is the main nutrient responsible for maintaining the linings of the mucosa throughout the digestive tract.

9 alimentos capaces de aliviar tu dolor de estómago

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