9 foods capable of relieving your stomach pain

Find out which are the 9 most common foods capable of relieving your stomach pain and say goodbye to these discomforts.

Resultado de imagen de aliviar dolor de estomago

Having stomach pain is something much more common and annoying than you might think. Here are some foods that can help relieve your stomach pain.

1. Bananas and apples

Resultado de imagen de manzana y platano
The banana is one of the foods that will help relieve your stomach pain, especially if the cause is poor digestion.

Plantains and bananas are a great source of pectin, a perfect substance to treat problems such as diarrhea. In this sense apples would also be a good solution, as they are also rich in pectin.

2. Mint, chamomile or ginger tea

te-de-menta tu dolor de estómago
Tea is one of the best infusions if you want to relieve your stomach pain. Specifically, peppermint tea helps to make good digestions since it relaxes the muscles of the stomach.

In the same line would act the ginger tea. In this sense this variant of tea would be good to help to expel the gases. Chamomile is also recommended if you have even stronger pains.

9 alimentos capaces de aliviar tu dolor de estómago

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