The 7 best ticks to make your Orchids bloom

1. Choosing a pot

Tiesto Vida, macetero transparente de cristal para orquídeas ...

Although much is unknown, the type of pot chosen is fundamental to the maintenance of our beloved orchid. This plant needs a pot made of a resistant and transparent material. There are several reasons for this. To begin with, a plastic pot makes it easier to control any excess roots or pests and generally helps us to keep an eye on the plant’s health. Above all, though, transparent pots allow sunlight to reach the roots at all times and so they get the nutrients they need. And if you prefer, the plastic pot can also be placed inside a larger decorative pot to make the plant even more beautiful. It also needs to be double-walled so that it can better maintain its temperature.

Los 7 mejores ticks para hacer florecer tus Orquídeas

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