12 Healthy Foods For Kids And Tips To Make Them Eat


3. Millets

Millets and its products, such as bread, porridge, noodles, tortilla wraps, etc., can add variety to your child’s daily diet. They provide dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, protein, and bioactive compoundsi, offering several health benefits over time. Little millet, foxtail millet, and barnyard millet are some types you can add to your daily diet and use to prepare healthy recipes for children.

4. Whole-wheat

Whole-wheat pasta, pancake, and flakes are some products you can try to add variety and nutrients to meals. Besides, whole-wheat flour can substitute refined flour in pizza, cake, wraps, and biscuits.And a diet rich in whole grains can reduce the risk of type 2 disorders, heart diseases, obesity, etc. Regular consumption of whole-wheat products provides healthy amounts of dietary fiber, protein, vitamins B, minerals, and phytochemicals.

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