9 foods capable of relieving your stomach pain

9. Cod liver oil

Resultado de imagen de 9. Aceite de hígado de bacalao
Cod liver oil is a great source of vitamin A. As we are commenting it is one of the main nutrients that will help you keep the mucosal lining in a healthy state.

In addition this type of oil is a great source of omega-3. It is best to take this type of oil through capsules, as they are one of the main options we find on the market in this regard. You can also take 1 tablespoon of this oil to relieve your stomach pain.

Other recommendations

Resultado de imagen de alimentacion saludable

Therefore, the best way to relieve your stomach pain is to practice better eating habits that can preserve the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Another good way to achieve stomach relief is to choose to avoid raw foods (especially meat and vegetables), chew food well, drink the right amount of water and maintain a diet rich in fiber. On the other hand, a good exercise routine never hurts.

9 alimentos capaces de aliviar tu dolor de estómago

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