7 uses of the avocado stone that will surprise you!


Cosas que puedes lograr con usar aguacate y plátano en tu cabello ...

People with hair problems, such as dryness, should know that avocado pit oil gives extra shine to the hair, helps prevent dandruff and helps improve split ends

On the other hand, beneficial oils prevent scalp disorders and help prevent fungal growth.



Cómo usar la semilla del aguacate para reducir la celulitis

One of the ways to help eliminate cellulite is by preparing an avocado-based macerate to be applied later to the affected areas.

The natural avocado recipe for cellulite would be

Ingredients: 4 avocado seeds, a glass jar, olive oil.

You have to peel the seeds and grate them. You put the grating in a glass jar and pour the olive oil preferably, but you can also use almond or sunflower oil. Put the jar in a dark place for 3 days, trying to stir it every day. After 3 days, strain it and keep it in the fridge. Apply regularly to the area to be treated.

¡7 usos del hueso del aguacate que te sorprenderán!

10 vitaminas que hay que tomar para mantenerte en forma