How to avoid mosquito bites?

With the summer, mosquitoes arrive and every year mosquito bites kill more than 1000 people, infect 200 million malaria and end up killing more than 600,000 people because of the side effects of their bites. In the midst of descaling, during the summer of 2020 numerous cities are suffering insect pests and although the species that come to our country are not so dangerous, the bites of these mosquitoes are still very annoying. Besides, whatever you do, it seems like they always sting you, don’t you? Next we will see 11 reasons why we are bitten by mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes are more aggressive than ever

On social media, we can find thousands of curious videos. In this case, a sports newspaper has released a video that is going viral right now. In this video, we can see the image of a mosquito that bit someone but was unable to stop in time.

¿Cómo evitar las picaduras de mosquito?

Horóscopo: todos los peores defectos de los signos del zodiaco