How to avoid mosquito bites?


Mosquito bites are for a good cause

The reason why mosquitoes bite us is because they need to ingest proteins and nutrients from our blood in order to finish the formation of their eggs. When we suffer a mosquito bite, it is the female that bites and it is very likely that she is about to lay the eggs.

More mosquito bites in blood group 0

We have all joked at some time that mosquito bites depend on whether our blood was sweeter than the rest, the truth is that they prefer a certain blood group than others. Blood group 0 is the most attractive to mosquitoes, with people in this group receiving the most bites. On the other hand, blood group A is the one that itches the least. So if you are prone to being bitten, think about some solutions to avoid mosquito bites.

¿Cómo evitar las picaduras de mosquito?

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