Is sushi as healthy as you think it is? We discovered all his secrets!

What are the most harmful ingredients in sushi?

The following trio of ingredients directly impact your body:

  • Sugar. It is present in white rice and sauces. With telling you that each serving of sushi can contain up to 7.5 grams of sugar (about two teaspoons) you can do a calculation. With four servings and a sugary soda you’ll be ingesting 41 grams of sugar, about 6 teaspoons.
  • Salt. One tablespoon of soy sauce has 850 milligrams of salt. Considering that it is usual to consume this sauce with each bite, the result can affect your kidneys.
  • Starch. Although necessary for the body, an excess causes the stomach to use a greater number of enzymes for digestion. Considering that the amount of them is finite and that their scarcity can cause various ailments, it seems easy to deduce why it is not advisable to take too much starch.

¿El sushi es tan sano como crees? ¡Descubrimos todos sus secretos!

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