Is sushi as healthy as you think it is? We discovered all his secrets!

How can sushi be consumed or prepared more healthily?

It is advisable to go to restaurants that serve it and prepare each dish personally. Franchises usually prepare this dish in chain and abuse the aforementioned dressings.

When you find the right place, always bet on sashimi. It’s the one that contains the most fish so you’ll always be getting a more complete nutritional contribution. Bet on salmon or prawns to reduce mercury intake.

If you dare to prepare it at home, you should also choose a few different ingredients. Swap white rice for brown rice or quinoa to avoid eating too many calories. If you can, make your own soy sauce or choose, as a minor, the version with the least salt in the supermarket.

¿El sushi es tan sano como crees? ¡Descubrimos todos sus secretos!

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