Is sushi as healthy as you think it is? We discovered all his secrets!


  • Rice used in much of the dishes is cooked with sugar. It also brings a significant amount of starch to your body, so it’s not advisable.
  • The use of cream cheese, fried onion and the like helps to increase the calories of each bite.
  • Fish is the ingredient with the least presence, so the nutritional contribution of each option is drastically reduced.
  • Teriyaki sauce is characterized by its 89 calories per 100 grams. Avoiding this option to choose soy sauce will increase your salt intake in a not-so-healthy way.

¿El sushi es tan sano como crees? ¡Descubrimos todos sus secretos!

Nunca sospechó que estaba arriesgando su vida al rescatar a un cachorro abandonado