Is sushi as healthy as you think it is? We discovered all his secrets!

What are the main benefits of taking sushi occasionally?

Several studies confirm that consuming sushi a couple of times a month can help:

Protect your cardiovascular health. The omega 3 and omega 6 content of fish is always recommended to reduce cholesterol levels. Again, salmon is the most recommended option.

  • Improve the effectiveness of your digestive system. The nori seaweed is characterized by containing a high amount of vegetable fiber. This feature makes it perfect for speeding up intestinal transit. In addition, sushi contains vitamins A, B and C, so, in combination with the ingredients already known, both the caloric intake and the body’s ability to digest it is balanced.
  • Strengthen your defenses. Rice is usually seasoned with vinegar and many dishes carry ginger. The combination of both means that the digestive system is free of bacteria. It also helps to increase the body’s resistance to any type of threat.
  • Take care of your skin. Rice helps maintain skin elasticity and shine.
  • Fish contributes to improve its smoothness thanks to the collagen it contains.

¿El sushi es tan sano como crees? ¡Descubrimos todos sus secretos!

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